Board Fundamentals: Succession and Recruitment


To maintain a committed team of qualified directors is one of the board’s biggest challenges. In this  workshop, you will learn to move beyond recruiting the average applicant by creating a strategic framework to identify, recruit, engage, and develop the talents of current and future board members. Learning Outcomes: By the end of this session […]

BC Societies Act Fundamentals with PLEO


Are you thinking of starting a non-profit? Are you new to a board? Need a refresher on the Societies Act?  As a result of Vantage Point’s long-lasting partnership with Pacific Legal Education and Outreach Society, in this workshop we will review key issues: membership structure, board composition, General Meetings procedure and content, Conflicts of Interest, […]

Executive Director: Empowering your Board​


The relationship between the board and the executive director is critical to organizational success. Keeping your board focused on governance and out of operations is a key challenge that can strain this relationship. If you can effectively educate and engage your board members to set direction versus manage operations, you can lead your board to […]

Board Fundamentals: Roles & Responsibilities


Engage your board and align their work with organizational values and vision. A highly effective and engaged board has clarity around roles, responsibilities and aligns their work and performance with organizational values and vision.​ In this workshop, you will learn or refresh your knowledge on non-profit board member essentials.​ Learning Outcomes: Come away from this […]

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