Surrey Demographics

S​urrey geographically is the largest city in British Columbia. Its population is second to Vancouver but it’s expected to become the largest city in BC with 760,000 residents by 2041. In B.C. the number of new immigrants almost doubled between 2016 and 2021, from 38,085 in 2016, to 69,470 in 2021. In 2021, 17% of all new permanent residents to Canada chose B.C. as their destination, up from 13% in 2016. This trend is expected to continue, meaning that B.C. can expect to welcome an increasing number of immigrants each year.

Surrey attracts an increasing portion of immigrants to British Columbia’s southwest coast. In 2021 immigrants made up 45% of Surrey’s population, slightly higher than Metro Vancouver’s regional level of 42%. Surrey is growing at an unprecedented rate, adding more than 51,000 people since 2016. Expressed another way, over the last five years, Surrey welcomed 28 new residents every day. At the current rate the City is on track to become the province’s largest city around the year 2040, surpassing Vancouver in population.

of immigrants living in Metro Vancouver reside in Surrey
of Surrey’s population is comprised of immigrants
of Surrey’s immigrant population are refugees
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