Surrey First Peoples Guide for Newcomers Workshop for Truth and Reconciliation

Surrey First Peoples Guide for Newcomers Workshop for Truth and Reconciliation

September 20, 2023

Join us for a transformative one-day workshop based on the award-winning Surrey First Peoples Guide for Newcomers. 🌟This guide, recognized with the prestigious 2022 British Columbia Reconciliation Award by the BC Achievement Foundation was created in close consultation with local First Nations, Métis and urban Indigenous knowledge keepers as a response to the need for accurate resources on First Peoples in Canada. Explore the Surrey First Peoples Guide for Newcomers here. This interactive and informative workshop will be:​

Key Highlights:​
◼ An opportunity to immerse in invaluable learning​
◼ Open to all community members who wish to further their journey in Truth and Reconciliation​
◼ An amazing opportunity not to be missed!​

In this workshop, we’ll:​
◼ provide information on the traditional protocols, histories, and current realities of Indigenous, Metis, and Inuit people in Canada, and address common misconceptions about the First People of this land.
◼ seek to uplift and amplify the voices of the land-based Nations that Surrey occupies by adopting a community-centered approach​
◼ uncover hard truths, construct a foundation for shared understanding, and continue the important work of building solidarity between the Indigenous and newcomer communities in Surrey​

🎤 Elfred Matining​
🎤 Kim Haxton​

📍 Venue: DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society 13455 76 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3W 2W3​

📅 Date and Time: September 30, 2023 (Saturday) 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM​

To register-Click here

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