P2P National Conference Report

P2P National Conference Report

December 19, 2024

On November 25-26, 2024, the Pathways to Prosperity Partnership held its 12th Annual National Conference – Supporting Newcomers to Canada: A Roadmap to Inclusive Collaboration for Collective Impact. 875 service providers, LIPs and RIF, government representatives, researchers, and other interested parties from across the country were in attendance in person, with an additional 380 attending virtually.

Our Surrey Local Immigration Partnership was highlighted in the P2P 2024 National Conference Report for our accomplishments in Immigrant-Indigenous Relations and Communication with the Public. Below is a summary of these accomplishments within the report:

The “Surrey First Peoples Guide for Newcomers” is an educational resource that took over two years to develop. The guide aims to create a plain-language resource about Indigenous Peoples in Canada, from an Indigenous perspective. It also intends to be a community resource for community learning champions to facilitate sessions for their peers. The guide provides newcomers and other community members with an accessible resource to learn about the stories and history of their Indigenous neighbours. The hope of the Surrey LIP is that through education and understanding, common misconceptions about First Peoples of this land can be addressed, and they can continue working on bridging Indigenous and newcomer communities. The guide was among the winners of the 2022 BC Reconciliation Award, which recognizes exceptional leadership, integrity, respect, and commitment to furthering reconciliation.


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