O Canada: New App Assists Refugees with Future Integration

O Canada: New App Assists Refugees with Future Integration

March 29, 2024

The latest innovative mobile application developed by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), is helping soon-to-be resettled refugees to access pre-departure orientation (PDO) information anytime, anywhere – improving their chances of successful integration once they arrive in Canada.

The application will benefit all Canada-bound refugees, especially those who are unable to attend in-person PDO training sessions due to security concerns, illness or mobility challenges. Currently, 30 per cent of beneficiaries heading to Canada receive PDO training remotely.

A 2021 report by IOM noted that four out of every five refugees in the process of resettlement to Canada own mobile phones and 70 per cent have reliable internet access, meaning that apps can be powerful tools for them to access information.

IOM’s first PDO mobile application – O-Canada – is one of the many learning tools developed by the Canadian Orientation Abroad (COA), IOM’s programme for Canada-bound refugees.

“PDO training aims to empower migrants. It is an integral part of their resettlement journey,” said Jobst Koehler, senior integration and migrant training specialist. “The training sessions are an opportunity for migrants to learn about the destination country and form realistic expectations about the integration process prior to departure.”

Read the full article here
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