RBC Start it Right! Youth Employment Program
January 1 - January 31
Get the job support and confidence to START your career RIGHT!
Eligible Participants:
- Youth between the ages of 15-29 years
- Unemployed or underemployed, working less than 20 hours
- Refugee claimants, international students and temporary workers
- CLB level 3+
The program offers:
- 10 weeks of career planning, life and employability skills training
- Develop your leadership skills by participating in a community project
- Enhance your skills and confidence to access the job market in Canada
- Receive industry-recognized training certifications
- Gain insights into the Canadian workplace culture
- Network and develop peer connections by participating in group workshops.
Program Delivery Method: Online
How to register:
- Call 604-597-0205
- Email: youthjobs@dcrs.ca
- Website: dcrs.ca/youthjobs