5 ways to better build community with international students in Canada
April 2, 2024
It’s no exaggeration to say every academic and professional involved in recruiting, teaching or supporting international students in Canada is now concerned about institutions’ plans following the federal government’s two-year cap on international student permits.
Beyond financial consequences, many believe this cap will potentially jeopardize the diversity of university life. This is of concern in a country that has been known for multicultural and multilingual learning and working environments.
“Internationalization” policies or strategic priorities of governments and universities alike have had stated goals of integrating international dimensions into higher education teaching, research, services and goals.
For example, internationalization of the curriculum is about building a globally-focused curriculum, which helps students develop competencies like intercultural communication and international collaboration. It could also mean, for example, studying international cases in course topics, inviting international speakers or conducting project-based assignments in collaboration with international peers.
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